
Summary The DPA of Brandenburg has imposed a five-figure fine on a restaurant operator. During the Corona pandemic, the operator had required restaurant visitors to fill out forms with their name, address, telephone number and e-mail address for the purpose of contact tracing as required by law. However, there was no legal requirement to collect the e-mail address. Visitors were further required to check a box stating that they agreed to be contacted by the restaurant. However, the restaurant subsequently used the email addresses to send a promotional newsletter. During its investigation, the DPA found that the processing of the email address for advertising purposes was unlawful due to the fact that the requirements for giving effective consent were not met. After all, it was not clear to the data subjects that the restaurant intended to use the e-mail address for advertising purposes. The restaurant operator also failed to inform the data subjects of their right to withdrawal.
Link: link
Related articles:  Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR
Type: Insufficient legal basis for data processing
Fine: EUR Fine in five-digit amount
Sector Accomodation and Hospitalty


All data is based on The CMS’s Law GDPR Enforcement Tracker Source:

Tags: case law