
Summary The Italian DPA (Garante) has imposed a fine of EUR 80,000 on Planet Group Spa. The controller made promotional calls on behalf of TIM s.p.a.. Several of these calls were made even though the data subjects had not consented or had objected to the calls. Garante found that the controller had contacted a total of 47,981 telephone numbers without consent or legal basis. In addition, Garante highlighted that the controller had not respected the data subjects’ right to object. In one case, a user had been contacted 155 times in one month, even though he had exercised his right to object.
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Related articles:  Art. 5 (1) a) GDPR, Art. 6 (1) GDPR, Art. 21 (2), (3) GDPR, Art. 12 (3) GDPR, Art. 25 (1) GDPR
Type: Insufficient legal basis for data processing
Fine: EUR 80,000
Sector Industry and Commerce


All data is based on The CMS’s Law GDPR Enforcement Tracker Source:

Tags: case law