
Summary The Italian DPA has imposed a fine of EUR 60,000 on a website operator. The controller had published unauthorized personal data on the website, which it had collected through web scraping practices. The DPA also found that data subjects were not able to request the deletion of the data. In addition, the controller did not provide any contact information.
Link: link
Related articles:  Art. 5 (1) a), d) GDPR, Art. 5 (2) GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR, Art. 12 (1), (2) GDPR, Art. 13 GDPR, Art. 15 GDPR, Art. 16 GDPR Art. 17 GDPR, Art. 24 GDPR, Art. 25 GDPR
Type: Non-compliance with general data processing principles
Fine: EUR 60,000
Sector Not assigned


All data is based on The CMS’s Law GDPR Enforcement Tracker Source:

Tags: case law