
Summary The Romanian DPA has imposed a fine of EUR 5,000 on Tehnoplus Industry SRL. An employee of the company had filed a complaint with the DPA because the controller had installed a GPS system in their company vehicle for the purpose of monitoring the vehicle without providing them with sufficient information about such installation. During its investigation, the DPA also found that the controller was processing the GPS data outside working hours and for purposes other than originally intended. The DPA considered this to be a violation of the principle of data minimization. In addition, the controller was unable to prove that it did not store the data for longer than legally permitted.
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Related articles:  Art. 5 (1) a), c), e) GDPR, Art. 5 (2) GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR
Type: Non-compliance with general data processing principles
Fine: EUR 5,000
Sector Employment


All data is based on The CMS’s Law GDPR Enforcement Tracker Source:

Tags: case law