
Summary The Spanish DPA (AEPD) has imposed a fine on VODAFONE SERVICIOS, S.L.U.. A data subject filed a complaint with the DPA against the controller. The data subject is a client of the controller. When he checked his bills on the official website ‘MY VODAFONE’ last December, he found that he had four outstanding bills, but he could not access them. He had also received a number of requests to pay them. He was informed that there was a parallel account at Vodafone with details that partly corresponded to those of him. As it turned out, fraudsters had concluded a mobile phone contract using the personal data of the data subject. However, the personal data had been entered into the company’s information systems without any verification that the contract was lawful and had actually been concluded by the data subject. The original fine of EUR 50,000 was reduced to EUR 40,000 due to voluntary payment.
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Related articles:  Art. 6 (1) GDPR
Type: Insufficient legal basis for data processing
Fine: EUR 40,000
Sector Media, Telecoms and Broadcasting


All data is based on The CMS’s Law GDPR Enforcement Tracker Source:

Tags: case law